Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Final 12" Info-drop


So, the sticker album is all made and the records are being posted out to you this week. Our original plan was to give you all 5 stickers and sell packs off our merch store, BUT thanks to Jack being awesome and us being bad at communication (mostly the former) they'll now come with 20 each. HOW RAD IS THAT.

Obviously, they'll be blindpacked, so you'll still have to hook up with each other to complete the sets. BWA HA HA HA HA. Be sure to tell us how you're all getting on.

I've uploaded Lewes's sticker album and record art to our flickr so everyone else can see what they're missing at get jealous.

Are you one of those people? is it worth us doing another sticker book run so you can join in? do let us know..

cool cool cool. ALSO DONT FORGET AMERICANADA. we've had some awesome and heartwarming responses in the last 24 hours, a super positive start. keep going, plz


sleepssundays said...

I didn't get a 12" and would absolutely get a sticker book if you sold them separately. Yes, please please please.

Anonymous said...


shrodes said...

I got a 12" but not sure if I got a sticker book (I was about an hour late to the party)...

So yeah, do another run.

ben said...

"cool cool cool". alexei and abed in the moooorning!